Sunday, July 1, 2012


I've been wanting to upload and share some of the works I've done throughout the term, but I need to gather everything and resize and resave. Its kind of time-consuming so i'll try to blog those later. For now I'll just share some random toys and stuff I've bought or found online. I've been pretty busy this summer break working on projects for other people that I barely even have time to do any of the personal projects I've been planning to do. Im  FINALLY taking my driving test next week so I've been out driving a lot. Anywhoo...on with pictures.

Pinocchio pencil sharpener bought at Fuego. He looks a bit creepy but it was only $3.



Coin bank! On sale at Fuego for $3.50


Uglydoll keychains were buy 1 get 1 free.


From Strapya. Vintage mickey mouse...they're pretty cute! Reminds me of some old Mickey Mouse toys I used to have when i was a kid.

 Photobucket Photobucket 

 Cute Hello Kitty x Elmo collab!!


The only figure I care for in this series is Toad in penguin suit. Thinking of buying this soon.


Recently bought a Mr.Cloud figure by Fluffyhouse but they're also going to release their new Miss Rainbow figure soon!! Out of excitement, I took this picture off Fluffyhouse's facebook page here. They're not selling their figures internationally in stores, but I contacted them and they replied (super fast, super nicely, and super informatively) that they can ship it overseas to me. I ended up having it sent to my aunt's house in HK to save on shipping fee (and its less risky). Honestly, I was surprised to find that the artist herself replied to my emails. Usually when I email companies they either never respond or take forever to. Not only did she reply super quick, she was also very i've become a 100% fan of Fluffyhouse. If I ever (finally) start my own line of toys and character designs, I would like to collab with them (if they don't think my work is too shabby anyway HAHA). It would be amazing if I could collab with some of my favorite HK toy designers like Bubi Au Yeung in the future *_*


Dino by Chima Group. When I first saw this figure I thought it was uncomfortable to look at because the design wasn't well balanced. I liked the idea of the colored rainboots, but overall, I didn't care for it much. I keep seeing it around the internet and at online toy often that it eventually grew on me. Now I really want to get one for myself...but its over my budget =( maybe someday...



Gnocchi by Chima Group. SUPER CUTE. It makes me want to keep poking it... I love the simplicity of it.


Happy Labbit series. Definitely my favorite labbit series! I have a lot of favorites in this series.


Uglydoll ucky's...inspired by some traditional Japanese toys the artist saw while traveling in Japan. This reminds me a lot of the random little toys I had when I was a kid. Ill definitely buy a pack of these when I get the chance to.


Whale soap dish from World Market. This was introduced at (one of my favorite blogs). There's just something about that I really like. I was planning to buy this at the store but it was bigger than I'd expected and I didn't know what I would do with it (I probably wont put soap in it since I only use soap in pump bottles)....maybe next time...



Recently released QiQi figure by Ziqi and Creo Designs...this caught my eyes because it reminded me a lot of the Beijing Olympic's fire mascot. Its kind of funny cause when I first saw this figure, I knew right away that the artist must be Chinese. The elements from this design reminded me of a combo of Beijing mascots + Hi Panda sculptures I saw at the China Design Now exhibit at the Portland Art Museum two years ago.


Pork Dumpling series. Kinda cute, wouldn't mind getting myself a box.


Treeson Mugs!!


Im a huge fan of Bubi Au Yeung's toy designs, but I can never afford them (or buy them in time before they get sold out). Anyway, this is the new Ren series! Comes with laptop and GhostB. My budget for buying toys is usually under $25 (with the exception of several rare pieces/good deals), this will probably be my first $40 non-discounted toy. The designer toy world has been slow and ...frankly...unimpressive lately. Most companies are coming out with the same stuff they've been releasing for like 5+ years. This isn't necessarily a bad thing for my wallet though, cause now I can focus back on the toys I've been wanting to buy since years ago... and I think its okay to splurge a bit on a high quality designer toy once in awhile.


Bearly calm wax figure by Bubi Au Yeung. (picture taken from her flickr). It looks like chocolate in this picture but what really got me going the fact that its a WAX figure made in a very traditional way. I don't think these will be in stores soon, but I wanted to share it anyway.


Flocked Treesons! Im not a fan of flocked stuff, but I do like the color of the blue one. I would probably buy it if it weren't flocked because I think it'll compliment the large pink Treeson I already have.


Art owl posts I found on tumblr. HAHAH this is 100% true for me as well.


Exactly what I've been doing every year. My pumpkin from last year was entirely carved with  a x-acto set.


and because I don't think I've ever uploaded this on my blog.... pumpkin from last year.