Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Character Design Progress

Quick post on a character I just finished for my Wizard of Oz redesign project. We had to choose two styles to reference and I chose Disney's Mulan and X-men revolution (although im leaning towards Mulan because my instructor worked on it when she was at Disney).


Character turn-around for one of my characters (partial scarecrow kid), I will be sculpting him in clay.

My design for the main heroine 'Dory' (or dorothy). Basically shes a scientist from the 21st century who accidentally discovered how to travel back in time during a tornado experiment. She decided to put her discovery to use and started a business where she would steal historical pieces for her clients. For this mission, she must travel back to ancient China and steal a pair of red shoes for her client...and the story goes on.

Quick color test in PS.

Finally cleaned and colored in illustrator. I wish illustrator uses layers like PS...would make my life so much easier.

Official Mulan model sheets

When I found these sketches and model sheets, I literally felt like I'd found gold. The style is a bit more difficult to manipulate than I'd expected. The line work has a really nice flow to it and everything is simplified and clean, yet does not appear to be too simple.



Theres so much variety in every one of the characters.



These are pretty small (resized to fit my blog -_-), but I was pretty amazed by how strict the designers were with every little detail. Just a slight difference in curve would completely change the original design.

Bigger versions and more here :

Shift of focus?

Ever since I was a kid I've been extremely fascinated by game art characters. I can still remember the first time I stepped into Game Crazy and spotted a walk through guide for a video game (unfortunately I can't remember the name of it, but the main heroine had short red hair). I left the store and begged my dad to drive me back the next day because I couldn't get over how amazing the characters looked. After some convincing I bought the book and treated it like it was my own holy bible. Honestly, I'm not much of a gamer because I never owned any video game consoles, so whenever I went to game shops my only purpose was to look at game covers. Dynasty Warriors was another game cover that I fell in love with as a kid. Their character designs were just so freaking beautiful that I almost bought the game just so I could look at the art (back then I had no internet). Of course now I have a giant folder of Dynasty Warriors art saved on my desktop. Whenever im in need of inspiration, I would open the folder and just gawk at the amazing designs. And then Final Fantasy 8 and 10 came out and became ridiculously popular for its bg story and character designs. Obviously, I was beyond obsessed with all the final fantasy characters (still am). By that time I had internet access so I was throwing up rainbows and looking up every single picture, video, info etc on the characters. I'm more interested in oriental style character designs because they remind me of Chinese costumed/ancient dramas which I've been an avid fan of since I was a kid. I've never seriously thought about turning my obsession for cg character design into a possible future career until now. Since taking this course, I've become extremely interested in character designing. I may sound like I'm full of cheese, but I feel like I've picked myself up again and re-found something I've lost since I started college. Maybe it’s that sense of excitement when you draw from imagination with just pencil on paper. But anywhoo, im not dead set on what I’ll be doing in the future since its unpredictable and I still have a long way to go. I’ll still be majoring in media arts and animation, but perhaps I will be focusing more on illustration/conceptual design and 3d modeling. I definitely don’t feel like im cut out for the animating aspect of animation yet, but maybe that will change in the future.

Just wanted to share a few from Dynasty Warriors. Not going to bother posting Final fantasy pictures cause im sure most people have seen them.





(this one is from jade Dynasty an online game)


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